Halo, Juana Molina (6/10)

This album came out in 2017??? I thought it came out last year since I heard about the song Sin Dones last year which I really fucked with but never listened to the whole album. Anyways, I still think Sin Dones is the highlight of this album, but it's pretty good -- experimental but still dancey, and the whole album is kinda predicated on the great bass lines in each of the tracks. I super respect every song on the album, but was a little turned off by how long the songs are (okay they're not that long but over 4 minutes is long to me) and I wasn't as impressed as I have been by recent albums in the same experimental genre (Helena Deland, FPA). That being said, it's still a pretty good and very diverse album (some are way more experimental noise music versus more rock/r&b sounds) with a few bangers. Favorite tracks are: Sin Dones, In the lassa, Cara de espejo


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