Mirror II, The Goon Sax (8/10)

Ok there's a bunch of albums I listened that came out or that I listened to during my blogging hiatus that are on my backlog to review. This is one of them. It came out last year, but I didn't listen to it until probably about a month ago. It's so fucking good!!!!!!! I hadn't listened to the Goon Sax before but have been converted into a huge fan - and they're opening for Snail Mail, so I'll see them live in about a month and report back. They've got a pretty rock/grunge/techno sound in the vein of Ruby Haunt, Lebanon Hanover, Boy Harsher (sometimes). I really fucking like this album. It has great range with some more deeply grunge/techno tracks and some more indie rock tracks. Fav tracks include: Psychic, In the Stone, and Desire. 


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