The Beths & Lunar Vacation in concert (7/10)

 So last night, Bella and I went to see Lunar Vacation open for The Beths at the Independent in SF (a venue we both love). We mostly went for LV since I got really into their latest album, Inside Every Fig is a Dead Wasp, a few months ago. They were really fucking good and just jamming really hard, and they are our age!!! I am excited for them to get big enough to start headlining shows; I think they're gonna be a name in the indie scene for a while. I didn't know the Beths super well before. I actually really fucked with their music (the lead guitarist guy was so fucking good). I just didn't think they were great performers. The issue is that the lead singer is this really pretty girl who looks about 25 and the other three are men who look very creepy and about 40 surrounding her. I know in reality they are actually all the sameish age (late twenties), but the men looked so creepy!!!!!! idk it was really freaking me out lol. but ya they r all very good musicians. 7/10 (lunar vacation pictured)


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