Meth Wax, Meth Wax (9/10)

So I knew the songs Pheromones and Gravity Bong from this album, but for some reason I had never listened to the entire album (it's from 2016). It's so fucking good!!!! I love music that is unapologetically horny, and this entire album is. >.< It's punk rock. It's horny. But it's also really sweet. For example, in the song Sea of Blowjobs (LMFAO), they sing, "I want to scream sometimes it's true cause I'm so in love with you." Nothing says early twenties like that. Send this fucking album to your crush. Oh and it's also short. 30 minutes-ish is the perfect album run time for ppl like me w a short attention span. (9/10)


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