Swimmer, Helena Deland (10/10)

After Deland's debut and sophomore albums came out in 2020 and 2021, both wicked good, she has been on my radar as one of the most exciting voices and talents out there right now. The single Swimmer that she dropped today is, I believe, her work at its best. On instagram she wrote, "Swimmer is out today. It is for my mother, Maria McCullagh, who passed away on August 21st 2021," and as a grief ode, it is perfect. The lyrics: How suitable, you the buoy, your arms like silver fins / Your head afloat the golden glow of waves crashing in. Are you kidding me???? The lyricism is wild and her delicate voice sings over the sound of crashing waves and a simple guitar melody in a Gia Margaret-like fashion. 10/10


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