Ants From Up There, Black Country, New Road (7/10)

I really enjoyed the single that got dropped from this album, Concorde -- so I was excited when the full album dropped and got some really good reviews. The album did not disappoint; it is a fucking ride with a vast expanse of types of songs including an even vaster combination of instruments (BCNR's characteristic violin and sax in rock uhg so good). The band has so many members that, at times, it feels like an orchestra, which is one of the things I love about BCNR. I think it all comes together best in Good Will Hunting, a fantastic song with a chorus I find so funny: She had Billie Eilish style / Moving to Berlin for a while (I find Billie Eilish such an interesting fashion icon for this moment). My other favorite track is an instrumental interlude (besides a little bit of vocals at the end) entitled Mark's Theme. The only drawback I have with this album is a personal one in that I have a personal irritation with songs longer than 5 minutes of which there are quite a few. But that's a personal preference. Overall, I was really impressed. 


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